Influence Branding
Our awesome partners at the Influence branding team found them selves without the proper representation their work deserved, so together we created a new web presence with custom 3D animation and a bold structure.
What we have done
To best represent a modern and pioneering branding company we suggested to create a website that has a unique clean style, which is structured and grabs attention with stunning 3D rendered videos, easy yet sophisticated animations and a minimalistic color palette with the "Influence red" as the accent color.
- Project planing
- Research & Analysis
- Mockup Creation
- User Flow analysis
- Font and Color scheme
- Structure planing
- Web design
- Mobile version design
- 3D design and rendering
- CMS integration
- Animation coding
- Mobile version development
- RTL language integration
- Dynamic loading
- Application form creation
- Content formatting and presentation

Influence Branding

Influence Branding
About Us page
Home page-mobile version
About Us-mobile version

Case Studies page